Northgate Academy

Behaviour Expectations

High Expectations

Behaviour and Personal Development are the key to holistic progress. Our pupils are expected to follow instructions and our Academy Code of Conduct.

As a whole, most pupils will be able to demonstrate a good level of personal and interpersonal behaviour, and will be  able to increasingly enact self and co-regulation, that will eventually see them  access a number of contexts in an age-appropriate way.

The need for Personalisation

However, we understand that there will be some pupils, for whom linear behavioural progress and self and co-regulation will be a challenge. In such cases, staff ensure that they work with leadership, professionals, parents and carers to build and develop  personalised 'small steps' in line with pupils' own short steps targets, as outlined in their Education Health and Care Plans.

We are a diverse special school, therefore, staff will go the extra mile to ensure that all pupils are supported, and that the end goal of achieving self and co-regulation and socialisation is achieved in line with each pupil's ability.

For pupils who may present more of a challenge,  we will aim to meet their targets through:

  • Personalised timetables
  • One-to-One support
  • Adapted environment and teaching
  • Blended learning: online and in-person teaching and instruction
  • Employment and engagement with more specialist means, such as Local Authority and NHFT personnel.

Celebrating Progress in Behaviour and Standards: The Points Shop

During the school year, pupils will collect 'points' (up to 5 points for every lesson) for good and positive progress in behaviour.  Each pupil also has individual targets that are taken from their Education Health and Care Plan 'short steps' targets, and are designed to support the day-to-day progression towards meeting and embedding their EHCP short steps into short and long-term behaviours.

Fortnightly, good and positive behaviour progression (towards the meeting of their targets) is celebrated through a visit to the Points Shop: a one-stop haven, where pupils are able to redeem their points for items such as: books, toys, games and other desirables.  The more points pupils have, the bigger and better the item they can get!